Men have hair too!
This is something we see at every store. Hair dye. As I walked the isles with sociology in mind, it occurred to me that there was not a single man in sight on any of these displays. Sometimes they have hair dye targeting men and their greys, or even their beards, but at this store there was an entire isle on both sides devoted to the coloring of women’s hair. I don’t know about you, but I can’t think of many males off the top of my head that would buy hair dye that is “for women”. This to me reinforces beauty standards that scream, “if your hair is grey or doesn’t come out of a box like this, you aren’t as beautiful.” Another side I see is coloring hair is a form of self expression, the fun colors like blue and green and pink all featured alternative style men and women on the boxes.
Off to work?

Ah yes, Airborne, immune support for the busy working…man? This to me goes back into men are out in the work place since they are stereotypically the bread winners and made out to be the head of the household. When out in the work force, business or otherwise, it can run down your immune system and keep you home if you get sick and we can’t have our business men sick! Of all the different types on the shelves, each box had this cartoon business man. I’m sure shaking hands making business deals and flying first class would be enough to warrant immune support for any hard working somebody, not just men.
Ups and downs
Bladder protection! Through the ups and downs of life, wether you’re learning or simply getting older, this is a universally needed function for some. I feel like gendering this type of thing is especially pointless because it doesn’t matter what color or style (except comfortability) because no-one sees them! We are marketed from the time we potty train to the time we potentially un-potty train that there is and should be a difference between what we use to get the job done.
Hairy Marketing

Shopping gendered is something we all do without even thinking about it really. Razors are another perfect example of gendering things that have the same purpose. Not only does society push shaving on women because Heaven forbid, women have hair *le gasp* but society also thinks that pink, bright and pretty scented means female and blues, earthy tones, and bold means male. In the picture featuring “female razors” there are many different types such as bikini trimmers and waxes (not pictured) and the “mens” there are significantly less options and it appears that the only differences between them are packing types. I will admit, I have fallen prey to the marketing and bought these pink packaged razors for the longest time. During that time, my brother began needing razors. Naturally, instead of buying more, I let him use one from my package. The fact that it was pink or “for women” did not bother him because a razor is a razor and they all shave his face. I now use a unisex razor from Dollar Shave Club that is a millions times better than any pink one I ever had.
Flowers for all!

Valentines day is right around the corner and everyone is all about buying sweet things for the significant other. My partner pointed out to me that guys are always buying girls flowers but why don’t girls ever buy guys flowers? He said he would love to get flowers sometime because they are pretty and they smell nice. I had honestly never thought about that before. Since then, I have bought my dad flowers and now I know what I’m getting my partner for this Hallmark holiday! Who knew gifting of something so simple could be so deeply gendered? Movies and books and songs all portray the guy giving the girl roses or other flowers to signify their affection but almost never the other way around? Everyone likes flowers 🙂
i think when shopping people put alot of thought into the image of an item, and even more of how their image will be affected if they’re seen using something others would deep not appropriate to the gender. it’s honestly a bunch of non-sense men specifically care about the way other men perceive them, no matter how much they deny it. If a guy saw another guy with a pink razor or looking a “woman”s” brand of razors he’d look in confusion and question it. whether it be verbal or mental he’d think “what’s that guy doing, he’s a guy”. It’s really a bunch of none sense, i personally us women’s shaving cream when i’m personal grooming because its softer on my skin and gentler, i don’t care about the color it’s more about the function.
The way you focus on how beauty and hygiene products are gendered is great. These are products, like razors, that don’t need to be gendered since there is no difference between the way a “male” razor or “female” razor removes hair. By comparing products that don’t work any differently for male or female bodies, you are really showing that gender socialization is so ingrained in our society and fuels our identity and shopping habits.
I honestly had no idea that even pull ups needed to be gendered. Guess you have to get them while they’re young, wow.