Drag in the UK

We don’t get to learn to much about the drag scene outside of the US unless we do some research. i learned about how the styles differ and the culture influence the creative that the drag artist have overseas.

Al-Kadhi, A. (2019). The UK drag scene is too diverse for RuPaul to turn into a race for ratings | Amrou Al-Kadhi. [online] the Guardian. Available at: https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2018/dec/06/the-uk-drag-scene-is-too-diverse-for-rupaul-to-turn-into-a-race-for-ratings [Accessed 2 Apr. 2019].

The drag scene in the UK is finally getting a RPDR, the excitement to showcase the difference of European drag is high. There are some worries that it will not accommodate those who are not cisgendered male queens. There is a very high number of trangender people in the drag community in the UK.

I chose this journal because it showcases how there is this community of people in the UK who are not getting the opportunities for drag like cisgendered men are. Knowing a Bioqueen in London I have learned that they are slightly more open about letting them perform in the UK compared to the US. From what I have noticed you don’t seem to see BioQueens performing with Drag queens as often.

British BioQueen whose look is beautiful, creepy and creative

Balzer, C. (2004). The Beauty and the Beast. Journal of Homosexuality, 46(3-4), pp.55-71.

This journal goes in to explain the Drag Queens and Tunten in Berlin, Germany. Tunten and Drag Queens are very similar but they present themselves differently. We don’t really hear the term Tunten in the U.S., they differ in their gender identity, their selfimage, style, behavior and their performances/ talents. The word Tunten is from the german name “Tunte” or technically the English word for “drag queen”. A big difference is just the fact of their orgins and the idea of them because of where they came from.


Farrell, A. (2016). Lipstick Clapsticks: A yarn and a Kiki with an Aboriginal drag queen. AlterNative: An International of Indigenous Peoples, 12(5), pp.574-585.

The point of view of a Aboriginal drag queen from Australia, she explains her version of drag art. Aboriginal is an indigenous community in the Australia . Aboriginal drag is somewhat common in the Australian drag scene and there is also a huge number of indigenous queers in the LGBTQ+ community these islander people are trying to put their culture into their drag to make it something from their culture.

Willox, A. (2003). Whose Drag Is It Anyway? Drag Kings and Monarchy in the UK. Journal of Homosexuality, 43(3-4), pp.263-284.

This journal explores how the term “drag” is different for every artist whether it being drag queen, drag king, bio queen, queer artist, etc. Drag is not a set in stone idea, it can be whatever idea the artist creates. Using British drag artist she explains how different countries and types of drag impact the drag that everyone knows. She explores how much like in the US drag queens use ultra fem ideas to create their looks and drag kings are usually like a parody of masculinity.

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4 thoughts on “Drag in the UK”

  • Great visuals! This post really caught my eye and better yet the information was stuff i never knew about drag in other countries! We hit on some related topics throughout the semester, but this research topic really sheds light on drag, its culture, and other people’s identities in different parts of the world like the UK. I really liked the bit on the drag queens from Berlin, Germany and idolized how unique and different their drag identities are from us! Glad this research topic was covered!

  • It’s interesting to look at how specific cultures affect what their drag looks like. Aboriginal drag isn’t something that I had considered would even exist. It would be nice to see drag in the US that is different from the standard more often. The drag shows that I have been to always included drag kings with drag queens, but I know that it isn’t standard for a lot of shows here.

  • Wow! Thanks for creating such an enlightening post. I knew that there was drag around the world as this semester went by but I never knew that the styling could be different. It is so amazing to see a different side of drag. I never knew what Tunten meant but it is interesting to see that it translates to Drag Queens but they present themselves differently.

  • I love your topic! I never knew the UK drag scene was so amazingly obscure! I like how you mentioned drag is not set in stone and that it is whatever the artist creates. I never knew this side of drag and I find it so interesting and magical. The video really sheds light on a whole other part of drag culture!

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