In this essay is the discussion of specific items of clothing that either have historical or stereotypical discussion, and that these people find comfort in what they choose to present.
Set Rules
What is it about presenting gender that there is some unspoken set of rules that we all internally follow? In this photo there is a blazer, a button up, and black jeans that some people that think within the binary would see as a masculine outfit. This is how this person shows who they are. This is how this person portrays a part of their identity to the world without having to state anything about themselves. For this person, wearing this outfit brings out the confidence, or even dominance that being seen as a male comes from being a part of the patriarchy.
The Tomboy Approach
On the other hand, feminine presenting clothing is presented as something that is more flowing and open. With this person here, they choose to wear something that is not considered to be feminine. Button up shirts are taken as work shirts, worn by males. Wearing this goes against what is typically expected of someone who identifies as female. For her, she chose to go outside of the expected stereotype of wearing something dainty.
Bad Profiling
Hoodies are comfortable to wear, but they are usually seen or sorted into the category of masculinity. Hoodies are worn by mostly everyone. In other ways, a hoodie has also been seen as a symbol for a hoodlum. Everyone would (hopefully) think of how a hoodie is quite comfortable in keeping one dry and warm, but it was wrongly accused for Trayvon Martin, who was shot because of gender profiling and racial profiling that he was hiding his face with his hood when it was raining. So, to some minorities, the hoodie has led to horrible injustices.
Feminine Masculinity
My pal here identifies as more masculine, but presents in a feminine fashion. They wear pink, which was originally seen as a male color. Now, pink is seen as a more feminine color. Their identity being outside of the binary, but it also captures everything in between too. They feel that no matter how they present, they put forth the fact that how they dress does not mean that they are someone who identifies as male or female.
The Dress Clothes
This last photo is taken from someone who must dress professionally for work, but must present and show femininity in an institution. The blouse beneath is slightly lower than that of a male crew neck shirt. The cardigan acts as a cover. But the colors of black, white, and gray have been seen as neutral. The performance here is to be seen as a neutral, but allow the use of femininity to also be seen in a more toned down sense.
Your analysis on hoodies was very interesting. The fact that they are worn by everyone yet remain masculine and that they are comfortable yet has been indirectly connected to tragedy were points I would not have considered otherwise. Pointing out wearing the neutral colors but still remaining feminine in the last photo was insightful as well. Overall, a wonderfully thoughtful post!!