Claire Voyant is a Chicago-based drag artist with a unique style of drag that highlights horror and darkness in the most breathtaking way.
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Interview with Claire Voyant
To cite this particular interview, please use the following:
Temko, Ezra. 2021. Student interview with Claire Voyant. Sociology of Drag, SIUE. March 22. Available URL (https://ezratemko.com/drag/claire-voyant).
Interviewer: Yes, I will. Okay. So, when did you first hear about drag, and what was your initial reaction to it?
Claire Voyant: Okay. This is, kind of… I almost have, like, two experiences with this because my first introduction to drag was very young, very, very young, and it was Divine. Um, and so, I was, like, introduced to, like, Divine through, like, John Waters’ movies and things like that. And that’s, like, really heavy to, like, first introduce someone to drag through Divine, because Divine has like… either they’re messy and it’s like… uh, it’s like… there’s, like, this, this quality about Divine that, like, makes you uncomfortable, but, like, that’s, kind of, like, the art about it. And so, when I saw Divine and when that was my first introduction to drag, I’m like, “Oh wow, so if this is drag, I don’t want anything to do with drag because this is just too weird, makes me too uncomfortable, I don’t like it.:
Interviewer: Yeah.
Claire Voyant: And it wasn’t the fact that, like, Divine was, like, dressed up as a woman. It was more so Divine’s just, like, really nasty and really messy and, like, that made me uncomfortable.
Interviewer: Yeah.
Claire Voyant: And so, that was, like, one of my first experiences being, like, introduced to drag. Um, but then, when I was, like, older and when I was in college, everyone was talking about RuPaul’s Drag Race, which I’m sure is going to come up a plethora of times. Um, and I sat down with one of my friends and I watched it, and I’m like, “Wow, this is incredible. Like, people really, like, showcasing themselves and their art, and that’s, like, really cool to see on national television.” So, you know, like, as a kid, it was through Divine, but, like, as an older adult, it was definitely through Drag Race.
Interviewer: Yeah, that’s awesome. Um, when did you start performing as a drag artist, and why did you start performing?
Claire Voyant: Interesting. Okay. Um, well, I studied acting at ISU, um, and so, I have, like, a lot of, like, theater training and, like, we were doing a lot of, like, gender bent roles and, like, scripts and things like that. Um, so that was, like, kind of, a point where I started like, like, like dabbling in it you could say. Um, so, like, I would do, like, certain characters for shows but, like, I also was, like, dressing up, like, as a woman to, like… to, like, go out and stuff like that. And so, like, that was, kind of, like, fun and it was a way for me to, like, get my feet wet without actually getting my feet wet.
Interviewer: Yeah.
Claire Voyant: Um, and so then, when I moved to colle–when I moved from college to Chicago, um, that’s when I started doing drag in the city. And I consider my first time performing in drag to really be, like, when I started doing drag because I started… that was almost, kind of, like, a commitment for me, in a way. Um, does that make sense?
Interviewer: Yeah, absolutely. Yes.
Claire Voyant: Yeah? Okay. Um, so, uh, that was just, like, a really cool… it was, like… it was probably when I started, so that was, let’s see… god, I’m so bad at days. Um, that had to be October of 2015, 2016, I wanna say. So, I’ve been doing drag for almost, like, five or six years, so it’s… not… maybe not six, maybe like five years. But it’s, like, been a while. Um, and the other question was got me into it or what…?
Interviewer: Yeah, why did you start?
Claire Voyant: Why did I start?
Interviewer: Yeah.
Claire Voyant: Um, I suppose it was an amazing way for me to really express myself. I loved… I loved acting, I thought it was really cool. But, um, one of the things that really, like, kind of, appealed to me about drag was that I’m a very controlling person. I like my hands in the pot. And so, um, I wanna be in charge of my own makeup. I wanna be in charge of my costumes. I wanna be in charge of, like, the material I’m performing. I wanna be in charge… you know what I mean?
Interviewer: Yeah.
Claire Voyant: And with, like, theater you can’t really do that. You’re, kind of, like, given a script, and you’re, like, “This is your part and this is the role that you play.” And so, I think with drag, that was, like, kind of, really appealing to me that I’m like, “Woah, you’re telling me I get to make all of the decisions? Like, I’m responsible for myself?” I’m like, “That sounds awesome, that sounds incredible.”
Um, and so, that’s what I think, like, really got me started into it, and that’s, kind of, when I started, like, really, um, like, exploring with, like, not only my sexual orientation but also my gender identity, and it, kind of, like, snowballed from there.
Interviewer: Yeah, absolutely. Um, how did your family, friends and other loved ones receive you becoming a drag artist?
Claire Voyant: That’s a good question. Um, I’ve always had an incredibly supportive, like, family, um, and a group of friends as well. And, um… which is really odd because I had a really difficult time coming out in life; it took me, like, until my third year of college. So, what’s odd is that I literally came out junior year, which was probably 2014, I wanna say. Um, and then I started, like, dabbling in drag immediately after that. And so, I think what was so challenging for me to come out was, like, not only I’m gay but I’m gay, I’m a drag queen, you know what I mean? Or, like, I’m gay and this is really interesting, like. I really wanna explore, like, this aspect of our culture, of my culture as a gay man, um, and that sort of an aspect to it. Um, and so, I think my family, they were always fine with me being gay, but they were never quite fine with the drag aspect to it. And so, that’s what I think they had trouble understanding was, like… they’re viewing gay as just literally being physically attracted to the same sex but, um, it was more so that there were a lot of other strings attached to that. There’s the culture, and, like, they didn’t un– they don’t understand the culture, they don’t know the culture. And so, it’s, it’s challenging to, to express that to them.
And so, they were… they weren’t cool with the whole drag thing. But when I started, like, doing it, and when I started, like, becoming more active on social media and on Facebook and, like, Instagram and, like, things like that, my friends were seeing it and their parents were seeing it, and they started really enjoying it and really liking it. And that’s when my parents started, like, coming around to it. And they’re like, “Well, you know, maybe we should be supportive blah-blah-blah-blah-blah.”
Um, and my dad always had a harder time with it than my mom. Um, my mom came onto it pretty quick after that, but my dad still takes, like, a little bit of, like, a push every so often. But he’s still, like, um… he knows, like, I love to make things and things like that. And so, I got, um, I got this package in the mail [laughing], it was from my dad, and he was like… bird feeder tops, like, the tops of bird feeders. And he was like… he put it in a Ziplock bag, and he wrote “tittie armor” on it.
Interviewer: [Laughs]
Claire Voyant: And I just think that’s, like, a funny story because, like, it… he still has an issue, or he still… he still feels uncomfortable with the fact that I do drag, but it’s, like, those moments that show that he’s working on it.
Interviewer: Yeah.
Claire Voyant: And I think that’s really cool.
Interviewer: Yeah. The fact that he saw that, and he was like, “Na, he needs that.” That’s useful. He’ll use that.
Claire Voyant: Yeah, right? Yeah, so, like, that’s, like, really cool. And then, you know, like, I think what he’s also trying to understand too is, like, when I explain, like, the business aspect to him or, like, the scene aspect to him, he’s, like, way more intrigued, because I think he views drag as, like, just a very surface level thing, like prancing around, like, and really just not doing anything or accomplishing anything. But when I explain, like, the dynamics of it, um, and what it’s like to work with bars, and what it’s like to make money… and then, like, he’s also like really into science. And so, when I explain makeup and why makeup works the way that it does and things like that, he likes understanding the whys, you know what I mean?
Interviewer: Yeah.
Claire Voyant: And so, he’s slowly, slowly, slowly coming on board, um, which is really cool. But my mom’s been really supportive
Interviewer: That’s awesome.
Claire Voyant: Yeah.
Interviewer: Yes. Um, where did your drag name come from?
Claire Voyant: Ooh. Um, I am, like, really… I’m, like, super spiritual, um, I like astrology and everything like that, um… And so, I’m a Scorpio, and Scorpios are, um, like, deemed as one of the most intuitive signs of the zodiac. Um, and so, I, like, wanted to really, like, represent that in my drag name. So, clairvoyant is, like, someone who sees the future, like, very intuitive, like… that’s, kind of, like, where that dynamic comes from.
Interviewer: Yeah. Did you have to, like, go through… did you have other things in mind, or was it just, like, that immediately, and you ran with it?
Claire Voyant: No. I went through… this is a horrible name.
Interviewer: [Laughs] Okay.
Claire Voyant: You better not put this in your paper.
Interviewer: Okay.
Claire Voyant: [Laughs]No. Um, I originally had the name Prisma Light [laughs] and I’m like… I, like, sat with it, I think, for literally, like, maybe a week, and I’m like, “This is trash…”
Interviewer: Yeah. [Laughing]
Claire Voyant: Like “Horrible,” like, “I’m not using this.”
Interviewer: Yeah.
Claire Voyant: Um. And so, then what’s odd too is that Claire, kind of, like, just popped up in my mind. It’s like people ask me this question a lot, and, like, I know the intuitive side is how I got to that name. But it almost feels like the name was, kind of, like, handed to me from, like, something just a little bit bigger. I don’t know I’ve always, like, kind of, felt that, like, it was, kind of, like, just supposed to be like meant to be thing.
Interviewer: Yeah.
Claire Voyant: Um, and then, I honestly, too, um, two years into my drag, I was actually thinking about changing it to Styx, like, S-T-Y-X, which is the name of the river in hell and the underworld.
Interviewer: Okay.
Claire Voyant: Um, I like the band. Um, I’m always, like, you know, really, like, obsessed with, like, the darker things in life and, like, the occult. And so, like, that, kind of, like… I really liked the sound of it, and it just… it felt right.
Interviewer: Yeah.
Claire Voyant: So, I never did it, but I was… I was very close to doing it.
Interviewer: Yeah. Okay. Um, there are a lot of terms for types of styles of drag, from drag queen to drag queen, to glamor, male impersonator, comedy queen, bearded queen, queer artist, bioqueen and camp queen and others. Are there any particular labels you would use to characterize your drag? And what kind of drag you do and the style of it?
Claire Voyant: Wow, that’s a big question. Um, well, what’s interesting too is I think that drag is such a new art form, you know, when I look at… when I look at other art forms like, you know, like, dance, theater, like music, like, um, performance, right, they’ve originated over thousands of years, right? Drag is newer, like, considerably newer. And so, because it’s so new, I feel like it’s still fluctuating, and it’s still, like, growing. And I think people… I think people all have a different definition of what drag is, right? Some people are like, “Well, it’s, like, when you impersonate a woman.” Like, that’s obviously the big one.
But for me, at least, like… and then, also, people will say like, “It’s when you impersonate a woman,” or they’ll say, “It’s all based in gender,” or they’ll say, “It’s not based in gender.” Or it’s, like, you go back and forth, and, it’s like, everyone has their own definition of drag. So, that question is, kind of, difficult to answer. But for me, I like to think that drag is self-expression, like, bottom-line self-expression, like, it’s an art. I really don’t think gender is involved because, sometimes, you know, like, it’s, it’s more you’re taking what’s there, and you’re, like, amplifying it. It’s exaggeration, right? It’s like scraping the bottom of the barrel and making it somewhat larger than life, and, like, that’s drag.
So, like, I would identify, like, Kiss, the band, like, the makeup, that’s drag. I would identify Cirque du Soleil, like, that’s drag, like, a lot of things that are larger than life. So, it doesn’t necessarily have to be based in, like, gender performance. A lot of people want it to be, and I think it can be, if that’s what you wanna do, but I think it’s more so, like… it’s way more general than that.
Um, but going back to it, so I really don’t feel like I identify with a particular titles. Sometimes I’ll use drag queen because I feel, like, it’s easy for people to understand. Do you know what I mean?
Interviewer: Yes.
Claire Voyant: It’s like, I’m not gonna sit down and have this five-minute conversation with everyone that I meet saying, “Well, I’m, like, a drag performer, but I’m not drag queen,” and they’re like, “Well, what do you mean?” Like, you know what I mean?
Interviewer: Yeah.
Claire Voyant: It feels like I say that to make things easier, to make the conversation easier. Do I really, like, fully identify it? Probably not. I probably identify with something more, like, just a drag performer, something that’s like… doesn’t really, like, suggest gender, but it does suggest drag, um, it suggests performance, you know what I mean? I feel like there’s a lot of tags that go on with drag queen that I don’t always identify with it. But that’s the term that people know the most, so I use it.
Interviewer: Gotcha. Yes. Um, who or what has influenced your drag?
Claire Voyant: Let’s see, um, I’ve always been influenced by… like, I love fashion, I like… Like, you know, Alexander McQueen I think is, like, so cool. Iris van Herpen, like, they’re just unbelievably abstract, like, creative artists that use materials. So, I think that’s… like, it’s like a physical, like, um, a physical thing which I really like. So, I generally like artists who use, like, physical materials.
Interviewer: Yes.
Claire Voyant: But, um, I don’t know what I’m trying to say there. But, um, like, in that same vein, though, I really like, uh, you know, Dahli and, like, surrealism and things like that. And so, I, kind of, feel like that, kind of, fits in that… in that, like, Alexander McQueen box, you know? Um, I really like Tim Burton. I really like darker things. Um, astrology is a huge influence to me. Tarot is a huge influence to me. Um, I love animals. Like, I’m… like, animals play a kind of a large role in my work. Um, I really like prosthetics and things like that, so I almost, like… And that’s like… when you, like, put a prosthetic on, and you’re like a monster, you’re really taking the gender out of it, like, completely. Like, you’re no longer a man or woman, you’re just this, this thing, you know?
Interviewer: Yeah.
Claire Voyant: And so, like, I think that’s why, like, animals are really interesting to me because, like, for some reason, I really don’t, like, usually identify a gender with an animal, I don’t say like, “Oh, that’s a female dog.” Like, it’s a dog.
Interviewer: Yeah. A dog’s a dog, yes.
Claire Voyant: So, I think, like, that’s a big part of my art, um, like, textures and, like, colors and things like that. Like, things in nature I’m really inspired by. So, like, I would say things in that vein. Do you think that’s a good enough answer for you?
Interviewer: Mm-hmm. Yeah, absolutely. Um, do you consider drag political or your drag political?
Claire Voyant: Um, I feel, like, the go-to answer for a lot of people would be yes, like, it is political. Um, I mean, you are making an incredible statement by, like, stepping out of your house and expressing who you are and, like, what you are. So, I think, like, in that sense, like, it’s rad—it’s rad– drag is radical self-expression, that’s the best way to put it. And so, if you’re displaying that in public, you know, I would think that that would make a political statement. But do, like, I actively go out with the intention of saying, “I’m going to make a political statement”? No, I’m just going to go out and, like, really express who I am, and if that makes you comfortable, great; if it makes you uncomfortable, like, great. Like, I don’t care. So, I feel like it’s less for me about the political, like, expression, um, and more about, like, the internal, yeah.
Interviewer: Yeah. Um, so, can we just take a minute to talk about what your life is like as a drag artist? Where you perform, how many tim—like, all of that kind of stuff.
Claire Voyant: Oh, okay. Um, I… well, it’s odd right now because of COVID, obviously.
Interviewer: Yes.
Claire Voyant: But if COVID wasn’t a thing, um, I work at Berlin, um, I work at Splash, I work at Replay, and I work at Scarlet. Um, those are, like, four my major bars. Um, I’ve also worked at, like, Roscoe’s, um, and, like, Charlie’s and things like that. So, I generally work in the area of North Halsted. It used to be called Boystown, but they changed the name to North Halsted because it’s more inclusive, which is really great to see.
Interviewer: Yes.
Claire Voyant: But, like, that’ll… maybe you might recognize the area or the neighborhood better if you heard Boystown.
Interviewer: Yeah.
Claire Voyant: Um, so, that’s, like, where I work. Um, at Berlin, I have a show called Slay. It’s like a drag horror show. So, that’s where I like the… like, occult and darkness comes from. And at Splash I have a show called Belladonna which is like a witchcraft theme show. Um, so those are really cool. Um, at Replay… Replay is a very, like… it’s like… it’s a… I would not consider it like a drag bar, but there’s drag there. Um, and it’s more, like, of a place for people to relax and chill and have a drink versus go out and party. So, I do host, like, an American Horror Story, like, viewing party there that a lot of people really enjoy. And then at Scarlet, um, I used to do… like, it was a Lady Gaga night because Lady Gaga is one of my favorite people.
Interviewer: Yes.
Claire Voyant: But, uh, I now just submitted a show that’s gonna happen called On the Rocks which is gonna be like a celebration of, like, um, classic rock and roll. So, like that’ll be really cool too.
Interviewer: Yes.
Claire Voyant: I’m trying to think. I have a show in Geneva which is kind of fun, um, that’s more, like… we try to, like, do a choicer, kind of, like, seasonally, um, and that’s called Diamonds in the Rough. And it’s a really cool opportunity because… um, very similar to, like, how I… how you came to the drag workshop at ISU, I really like to take drag and, kind of, make it accessible to people who don’t normally have that accessibility, you know, either whether you are not 21 yet and you can’t get in the club where drag primarily takes place, or, like, maybe you maybe don’t know where to go to look for drag or that sort of thing. So, I really like taking drag into places where it feels like it doesn’t have a lot of representation. Um, so, like, the suburbs is where that the show is. And so, that’s a really great opportunity because no one’s really seen a drag performer before, and no one really has… like, understands that drag can be many different things. And so, like, that’s… I like, kind of, branching out of that bubble as well.
Interviewer: Yeah, absolutely. When COVID wasn’t happening, how often were you performing?
Claire Voyant: Um, I was probably performing… I keep a… I just got my new one. You’re in here as well, There’s an interview section.
Interviewer: Thank you.
Claire Voyant: But, um, I was probably was performing… I perform… in October. I perform a lot, like, a lot. I think last year, I tried to take as many gigs as I could in October, and I did, um, like, 32 gigs in 31 days.
Interviewer: Oh wow.
Claire Voyant: There were some days where I was, like, doubling up, and it was a lot. Um, but normally, like, on a normal month, I’ll probably perform, like, six to eight times a month, which is, like, maybe, twice a week, once or twice a week.
Interviewer: How long does it usually take you to get ready for your shows?
Claire Voyant: Depends on what I’m doing. So, um, if I’m doing like a normal face, it’ll take maybe two-and-a-half hours, maybe three hours. It’s kind of weird because, you know, you have to, like… you get makeup, and then have to pack a bag, and then, like, you go there, and then you get dressed there. And so, it’s, kind of, like… it’s all these, like, little stages. You’re not really, kind of, like, really doing everything at once. You’re, kind of, doing it in separate pieces. But it’s probably about two-and-a-half to three hours.
Interviewer: Yeah. Um, what are the biggest challenges in doing drag and being a drag artist?
Claire Voyant: Hmm, that’s a really good question. I don’t think I’ve ever heard that. Um, I think some of the biggest challenges are… it’s like, you remember… you know how, um, sometimes, like, people’s, like, biggest love is also their biggest hate, you know what I mean?
Interviewer: Yes.
Claire Voyant: So, for me, I think it’s, it’s, it’s the scene, and by the scene I mean, like, the people that I work with. You know? Sometimes, they drive me absolutely crazy, and sometimes I absolutely love them. But one of those things I think I’m learning about drag scenes, especially the drag scene here in Chicago is that… I actually had this conversation with someone last night, so it’s kind of interesting. Uh, I think as, like, gay people we really, um… we don’t experience a childhood in the normal sense of, like, a heterosexual, straight person would, you know? It’s, like, we come out so late in life, or we come out later in life, and all the time before that, like, we were, kind of, forced to be something that we’re not. Right? So, it’s almost like we’re living, like, a very falsified lifestyle.
And then, we come out, what’s really interesting is that I think we, kind of, experience this, like, Renaissance where it’s almost like we’re growing up again, but we’re doing it as our authentic self. So, I find that… the reason why this relates to your question is because I find that, like, sometimes the attitudes in the drag scene can be very, like, high school-y. Does that make sense?
Interviewer: Yes.
Claire Voyant: So, you know, there’s, there’s groups of people. You have the cheerleaders and the jocks and the nerds and, like, the alternative people, you know what I mean? Like, that’s, kind of, very much the dynamic of the scene. And when you have, like, high schools like that, you know, there’s drama, there is, like, chitchat, there’s gossip, you know? It’s like now… there’s pointing fingers, and, like, doing things. And so, I think that’s probably one of the biggest challenges, for me, at least, is, like, trying to keep the professionalism where it needs to be. Because, you know, sometimes, like, this is a job for some people, you know? It’s partially… it’s probably a part-time job for me, it’s not a full-time job, it’s a part-time job. And for other people, it’s just a hobby, you know?
And so, people, kind of, put various levels of, um, like, dedication towards it. And so, I think that, kind of, messes with people when it comes to… when it comes to, like, how you should treat this as a career, versus how you should treat this as a hobby. And so, people, sometimes, don’t take it seriously, and that’s kind of… it becomes bothersome.
Interviewer: Yeah, I’m sure.
Claire Voyant: Hopefully that makes sense and answers your question.
Interviewer: Yeah. I just… yeah. So, it’s just really cliquey?
Claire Voyant: It can get really cliquey, you know? And especially when you go to, like, New York, like, there’s cliques in New York, there’s… it’s generally when you go to bigger populations, like, bigger populated places, you’ll experience more cliquey-ness, you know? And it’s not fun, it’s not fun.
Interviewer: Yeah. It’s… [Laughing]
Claire Voyant: And so, I think one thing that we really try to do here in Chicago is, one of the coolest things about Chicago is we have drag of all types. Like, literally, we have a huge pageant scene, we have a huge club scene, we have, like, people that are more alternative, and that are more, like, um, beauty-based, you know? There is, like… there’s a drag of all different types. And there are cliques, but I think sometimes some people try to… making an effort to, like, get outside of their clique and, like, go support other art forms and other forms of drag that you don’t typically see. So, that’s, kind of, the cool thing about Chicago, but the cliques are definitely evident.
Interviewer: Yeah. Is there anything other than that that you think is, um, like, unique to Chicago when it comes to the drag scene?
Claire Voyant: Sorry, can you repeat that?
Interviewer: Like, um, with what you were just saying about all the different types of drag and people, kind of, trying to come out of their cliques more, is there anything, um, like, also that you think is unique to Chicago that you wouldn’t necessarily see in other places?
Claire Voyant: Yeah, I do. I think Chicago is a, um… earlier, your question was, do you think drag is politically, um… what was the question? It was like politically…?
Interviewer: If it’s political, yeah.
Claire Voyant: Yeah. It was, do you think drag is political? And I would say that a lot of people… a lot of people, if you’re… if they’re interviewing other Chicago performers, I bet you everyone in Chicago is gonna say yes to that question. Um, but I think Chicago, especially, because there’s a huge, like, social justice presence here, that is really awesome to see, like, really, really awesome. Um, where I think we don’t see it and other scenes, like, in LA and New York.
And so, during, um, you know, the main core of the Black Lives Matter protests over the summer, a lot of it was being, like, run by drag queens. And, like, that’s awesome to me, like, that’s so cool. And so, um, I would say that drag, like, is political in that way, and I would say that’s what makes Chicago very unique too, because I don’t think we saw that from other drag communities around the country. So, I would say that’s, that’s another reason that Chicago is unique. I think we have all different types of drag, we’re very diverse in that. And I think that we, like, really focus on social justice, and I think that’s, like, super cool.
And we… I think one thing too, we… there was a lot… there was a of drama in the scene this summer. Um, and so, um, people… there’s, there’s this thing where people are holding people accountable more for, like, their actions and what they do and what they say. Um, and I think, again, in, like, other places, people just, kind of, get away with things, you know?
Interviewer: Yeah.
Claire Voyant: So, Chicago, I do think is a very, very special place for drag. It was, like, I’ve… It’s, it’s unique in so many ways.
Interviewer: Absolutely. Um, what has COVID-19 meant for your life as a drag artist?
Claire Voyant: Um, this is a good question. Uh, these are good questions. You did a good job on this. Um, no, this one, uh… I think… there is… there is… the drag scene, you have a lot of people coming and going, like, coming and going. Like, you’ll have people that do drag for one night, you’ll have people that do drag for six months, you’ll have people that do drag for years, you know? It’s constantly evolving, constantly shifting, constantly changing. You have people coming from out of town, you have people leaving town. And so, it’s, like, always different, it’s always different.
Um, but one of the big things that’s, like, recognizable is that all these people are… they get, like, distracted by the flashy lights, right? They get distracted by, like, the beautiful hair and the gorgeous costumes and the makeup and the attention and the money. There’s, like… there’s, like, a lot of that glitzy and glamor that really draws people in, right? Um, and it’s an issue because I’ve learned over the years that… I really was so focused on drag, so focused on my art and what I wanted to put out into the world, that I really lost, um, sight of Nick, you know, like, me. Um, because I view Claire as, kind of, an extension of myself. I don’t view Claire as like a character I play. I view Claire as like a side that I do not showcase to… that I… it’s almost like the side of me that wanted to be expressed before I, like, came out, right? That’s really what Claire is at the core.
Um, and so, people get distracted by this glitzy and glamor. I think they really lose sight of, like, who they are as people. Because drag will slowly, kind of, like, eat away at you over the course of, like, two, three, four years. And it’s really, really, really important to make sure you are in tune with who you are at your core, not just your persona, not just drag, but who you are.
And so, COVID’s been really great because for a solid year I wasn’t doing anything. And I… like, I’ve always had issues with my body, and so, like, it was a really cool year for me because I started caring for my body more because it’s done so much for me. Um, and I’ve really, like, gotten in tune with myself and, like, my likes and my dislikes, and I feel like I’m not a robot anymore. I feel like I was a robot for a really long time, because drag, kind of, does that to you. Um, but COVID’s been really great because it’s almost, like, taken me back to my roots, in a way, which I really like.
Um, and then, on top of that, you know, once I… once I, like, sat down and really, um… and really, like, came to terms with, like, who I am and what I want, and, like, started caring for myself, um, like, that’s when drag actually started coming back, and, like, that’s when I started noticing that there’s been a shift in my drag and a shift in how I view drag. And I still want to do drag; I don’t want to do drag as much, and, you know, it’s like a balance. It was, for me, finding balance.
And so, when it comes to… like, more so, the question was about… less about, like, me and more about my drag, my drag has shifted over the pandemic, because I think we’re moving into a very digital age, you know, the fact that we’re Zoom calling, you know, the fact that, like, people are ordering things through, like, scan codes. Um, and so, I think that digital drag is going to take off, and it’s really going to, um… it’s gonna change how we see it.
One thing that, like… like, doing the whole, like, digital drag performances and numbers, it’s a lot of fucking work, and I really don’t want to invest all that time in it. Um, but I love doing, like, shoots and things like that because I think a photo is, like, worth like a thousand words. And, um, you can really, like, create a moment that, like… that, like, burns in people’s memories. And so, why I think that’s kind of cool is that the digital is starting to take over. So, now, you have, like, drag performers who aren’t just doing, like, a photoshoot, like, you know, they’re making themselves fly or, like, you know, they’re making themselves appear underwater. And so, like, did they shoot that in the air? Did they shoot that under water? Probably not.
Interviewer: Yeah.
Claire Voyant: But, um, the digital aspect to it, I think is, like, really becoming accepted and encouraged when it used to not be. You know, people are like, “Well, that’s fake”, like, you know, “you didn’t do that for real.” And I think it’s… the digital is almost, like, making the fantasy even bigger, you know, which I think is neat.
Interviewer: Yeah Um, so, next are some more personal questions. Um, how do you identify in terms of sex, gender identity, and gender expression out of drag?
Claire Voyant: Cool. Um, very similar to the question before, where you were like, “How do you identify? Do you identify as, like, a drag queen or, like, a drag performer? So, I identify as, um, a gay man because I think that makes the most sense to people, you know? Identify a drag queen because that makes the most sense to people. Internally, I feel like I’m probably more so, um, gender-fluid. You know, there are some days where I really embrace that masculine energy that I have, and there are some days that I really embrace that feminine energy that I have. And so, I really don’t feel like I’m either one, but I’m more so, like, both. So, I would identify as gender-fluid.
Um, but I also will say I’m a gay man because I think that, just, that’s generally where… on the scale, I probably, like, go more towards gay man, and I feel like, I’m not about to have a five-minute conversation, 10-minute conversation on why I feel gender fluid with someone who doesn’t understand gender fluidity.
Interviewer: Yeah, absolutely.
Claire Voyant: You know what I mean? So, does that, kind of…? Is there more to that question?
Interviewer: Yeah, there are more. Um, so, hmm… has… um. Sorry, I’m just trying to think of what you said and eliminate some of these sub-questions, I guess, that I feel like we’ve already covered. Um, do you think, uh, drag has influenced your sex and gender identities at all, or was that just, kind of, separate from everything?
Claire Voyant: That’s a great question. Um, I would… I would say probably yes, you know? I think one thing that, like, um, Claire has really taught me as a person is my confidence. I always had a lot… a lot of issues with self-confidence growing up. Um, and as soon as I started drag, I started understanding that I have power. Um, and so, like, as I… the longer I did it, the more confidence I started developing. And so, now, I feel, like, really comfortable again in my own body, in my own skin and how I connect to people and how I relate to people. And so, um, I feel like that’s not necessarily Claire affecting my gender identity or sexuality, but I feel like confidence does play a key part in affecting your gender identity and sexuality and, kind of, coming to terms with who you are authentically.
So, I mean, before, if I… if I were not doing drag, and I were doing something completely different, I would say that I probably would not identify as gender-fluid, which makes me think that drag has impacted that. But I think it’s more so, like, Claire’s given me the confidence to really, like, reflect on that and express that.
Interviewer: Yeah. That’s awesome. Um, so, how has drag impacted or changed you?
Claire Voyant: Well, I feel like we answered that, like…
Interviewer: Yes, I know. [Laughs]
Claire Voyant: Um, I have this book by Magnus Hastings. I don’t know, like… I don’t know what you’re, like, physically doing this project, if you’re writing a paper, if you’re… just, like, interviews, but this book is really cool, if you can find. Here, it’s right here. Okay. Magnus Hastings is a really big photographer in LA. So, he wrote this book called Why Drag? It’s incredible, check it out. Um, and there is this one page where he… he essentially takes all these photos of all of these performers, and he asks them, “Why drag?” And they literally give an explanation as to why they do drag. Uh, and some of the… some of the answers are really short; some of them are really long. Um, but it’s, kind of, like, a really cool… like, if you’re looking for, like, more information or anything, like, it’s almost like an interview with, like, a bunch of different people. So, that’s, kind of, cool. I don’t know if you need that for your project.
But the reason why I bring this up is because there is a page in here with these queens from Africa, and, um, he asked them why drag? And, uh, they say… I can’t even find the page. See? This is… this is horrible.
Interviewer: [Laughs]
Claire Voyant: Um, they say something along the lines of, like, doing drag makes you a more rounded person, and it makes you more self-accepting of others. And I would 100% agree with that. It’s like, I’ve learned not only so much about myself, I’ve learned so much about other people. And it’s really, like, shaped my perspective of, like, social dynamics, political dynamics, everything like that. And I feel like I would not have that experience if I had not done drag.
Interviewer: Yeah, absolutely. Um, let’s see. Um, I feel like we’ve covered a lot already.
Claire Voyant: Yeah, I know we have.
Interviewer: So, I don’t want to just keep asking the same things over and over again, different, like, ways of saying it. Um, okay, we’re just gonna skip that. Um, what do you think the purpose of drag is?
Claire Voyant: I think everyone has a different purpose in drag. For me, I think it was a lot more to do with myself and, like, coming to terms with my sexual orientation and my gender identity, um, and drag was a way for me to do that. But I think for other people, it’s about, you know, activism and giving back and doing something for the world. And so, I think everyone has a different purpose when it comes to drag.
Interviewer: Yeah, absolutely. Um, do you think drag is sexual?
Claire Voyant: I think it can be sexual. I don’t think all drag is sexual. Um, that’s really interesting. I feel, like, um, I as Claire, like, sex is one of probably the three words that I would use to describe Claire. And I think sex is very important, it’s very important because I think it’s something that everyone relates to. And I am of the belief that you can have a concept, a really, really, really wild or weird concept, and if you sell it sexy, people will buy it. And that goes for literally anything. And so, like, I do believe… I suppose, yeah, in some way drag a sexual because I do feel, like, you are selling sex to sell something else. You know what I mean?
Interviewer: Yeah.
Claire Voyant: I do numbers where I put a cage on my head, and I fill it with mice, right? And, like, that’s weird. But if you can sell it in some sort of sexy way that people relate to, they buy it, and they want more of it, right? So, like, there’s that dynamic when I think it comes to sex and drag. So, like, overtly, like, over-the-top, it is always about sex? No. But I do think it’s the art of selling something.
Interviewer: Yeah. Um, how do you feel about RuPaul’s Drag Race?
Claire Voyant: Wow, this is a big question.
Interviewer: [Laughs]
Claire Voyant: Um, I think Drag Race has done a lot a lot. I think a lot of people would, would discredit Drag Race saying it’s, it’s absolutely terrible, XYZ blah-blah-blah. RuPaul’s Drag Race has put drag on the map in the… over the world. If we did not have RuPaul’s Drag Race, we would not have a plethora of other things that are drag-related today. And that’s, kind of, it, period.
Interviewer: Yeah.
Claire Voyant: Um, I do think that RuPaul is not a good person. I do think that he is… probably has a little bit of, like, internalized racism, um, where he does not like to put a lot of Black queens on the show, and he’s gotten yelled at for that before. I think he has an issue with, um, transphobia, um, and every other season, the re– big reason why… are you watching this season of Drag Race.
Interviewer: No.
Claire Voyant: Okay. There’s a contestant name Gottmik on this season, um, and it’s a very big deal because Gottmik, um, was, uh, was a woman who transitioned into a man.
Interviewer: Yes.
Claire Voyant: Um, and that’s really cool because, in the past, any trans contestants we’ve seen are all been men who are transitioning into women, right? And so, that’s, kind of, a role reversal, and that’s a really big deal, to have someone like that and have that type of representation on the show. And I think… to be honest, I think, um, you know, like, how some people say, like, “You have a token Black friend,” or something like that. I think Mik is, kind of, a token, like, trans man. Sorry, my computer is making noise. Um, I think Mik is, kind of, a token trans man for Drag Race. And that’s not a good thing to say, you know what I mean? Um, but it’s a step in the right direction because they have some sort of representation, you know? It’s a stepping stone. But I almost feel like they’re, kind of, like, “Well, you know, y’all did us for transphobia in the past, so we’re gonna do this for you, and now you can’t say that anymore,” you know? That’s, kind of, how it feels like to me.
Um, so, I don’t think RuPaul’s a good person, um, but I think Drag Race has done a lot for the world for people’s careers, you know, for the perception of drag. So, it’s more so, like, do I like Drag Race? I like Drag Race. Do I like RuPaul? I do not like RuPaul, you know?
Interviewer: Yeah, absolutely.
Claire Voyant: That’s probably answer that.
Interviewer: Yeah. [Laughs] Um, if you could change one thing about drag, the drag scene or the drag community, what would it be?
Claire Voyant: The drama. I would change the drama hands-down. It’s way too much, way too much. It’s constantly, like, bickering, bickering, bickering, and going back and forth, you know, pointing fingers. Like, it is way too dramatic, like… and that’s funny. I’m telling drag queens not to be dramatic I feel like that’s in a job description. But at the same time, I feel like drag could be so much more progressive and so much more successful if there was less drama.
Interviewer: Yeah, absolutely. Um, what do you think are misconceptions people have about drag?
Claire Voyant: I think that drag… um, people view drag as men dressing as women. I think that’s the biggest misconception. It’s not just that. Um, obviously, gender does play a big role in it for some people, but I don’t think, like… I think that would be the biggest misconception. Um, I would also consider another misconception that, you know, I feel like people view it as an art form, but I feel like people don’t view it as a viable career, but I do think it’s a viable career. Um, so, that would be probably another misconception. Yeah, probably, like, those two.
Interviewer: Yeah. Um, if, uh, you choose one thing… if you could choose one thing, um, you want people to know or learn about drag, what would it be?
Claire Voyant: That’s a tough one.
Interviewer: Yeah.
Claire Voyant: Um, to know or learn about drag. I feel like, again, I’ve probably answered this in some facet. Um, can we come back to this one?
Interviewer: This is actually the last question, but you can take as much time as you’d like.
Claire Voyant: The last question? Okay.
Interviewer: If there’s more than one, you can just explain those.
Claire Voyant: No worries. Can you… can you repeat it?
Interviewer: Yes. Um, if you could choose one thing you want people to know or learn about drag, what would it be
Claire Voyant: To know or learn about drag. Um, I’m, kind of, drawing a blank on this one, I feel like. Like, part of me, my gut reaction says that, like, going back to our previous conversation, I would want people to know that drag makes you more human, you know? Drag being all about, like, stuff expression, um, really allows you to feel comfortable with your own mind, your own body, your own skin. Um, and I would say that it also allows you to understand people and relate to the human experience in a very different way that a lot of other careers can’t do for you.
One of the coolest things about drag is that I get to work with some of the coolest and weirdest people I’ve ever met in my life.
Interviewer: Yeah.
Claire Voyant: [Unclear]. And I guarantee you that I couldn’t do that in any other field. And so, having all of those different experiences and all that different diversity, I think has just made me a really well-rounded human being. I think that’s what I would want other people to know, is that, like, it’s… it, like, does so much for the expansion that is you.
Interviewer: Yeah, absolutely.
Claire Voyant: It’s a very big answer. [Laughing]
Interviewer: [Laughing] No, that was perfect. Yeah, that is all the questions I have for you. Thank you so much.