Breanna Burns is a fresh burst of energy from St. Louis, Missouri. She tries to perform once or twice a month in the St. Louis area, and she would love it if you came out and supported!
Transcription of above micro-podcast:
Cory: Although most of the interview with Breanna was lighthearted, there were a few instances where we dug a little deeper. Here’s one example…
Cory (Interview recording): So, if you could go back in time as Breanna Burns, what advice would you give to your younger self?
Breanna (Interview recording): Oh, I love this. It’s like the baby question on drag race. What advice would I give to my, my baby self. Don’t change anything. I wouldn’t, I wouldn’t really tell her anything to change differently. Because, you know, I felt like, I feel like as a drag queen, like you’re meant to go through different, different phases I almost feel like, and it’s very humbling, like the process of becoming who I am today. You know, it’s taught me to, who to take advice from you know, take advice you know, people are gonna say that they you didn’t take the advice well, but you very much well did and that perfected, that’s gonna perfect your craft baby.
Cory: Breanna discusses what things she would tell her younger self, and the main points she hits on are to never change and to be wise when taking advice.
Transcription of full interview:
To cite this particular interview, please use the following:
Stieb, Cory. 2021. Interview with Breanna Burns. The Art of Drag, SIUE, March 30. Available URL (http://ezratemko.com/drag/Breanna-burns).
Cory: So, when did you first hear about drag, and what was your initial reaction to it?
Breanna: When I first heard about drag, I was in, uh, Miami, Florida, and it was with… it was when I was a professional tennis player at the time. So, I, um… we were going down Ocean Drive, and, you know, I had a friend I was going out with. And he told me, he’s like, “Hey, uh, you know, I looked at… I looked down the street, and there was a lot of people, so many people, I was like, “What the hell is going on over there?” So, um, so he’s like, “Oh, they’re drag shows.” Like, I was like, “Oh, awesome. Like, let’s check it out,” and we, like, pulled up to it. And there was a color… a people of color queen. Um, she was hosting the show. She was hilarious. And I was like, “Oh, this is like a whole new, different lifestyle.” Like, like not lifestyle, night–nightlife. That’s what I meant to say. But, um, I was, I was like… you know, I was very straight acting at the time. So, at first, I was like, hmm, you know, I was like, “I don’t know if it’s my cup of tea.” So, I went to Clarksville, and I, like, went to another drag show, and I loved it. And I was like, “Okay, this is… this is very much, like, something I can do.” And that’s how I started. Anyway, I probably went really deep into that question. [Laughs]
Cory: No, that’s good. That’s what we want. That was a great answer.
Breanna: Thank you.
Cory: Okay. So, next question is when did you start performing as a drag artist and why?
Breanna: Okay, when did I… okay. So, this was, kind of, the part I was getting to, and I was like, I have a feeling you’ll ask that question.
Cory: [Laughs]
Breanna: So, um, so when did I… okay, what was it? It was when did I and why?
Cory: When did you start performing as a drag artist, and why did you start performing?
Breanna: Okay, I started… So, about, mm, over fi– like five-and-a-half years ago, I actually just came out as gay. And I was like, you know… and that’s when I went to the, uh, to the show in Clarks– the drag show in Clarksville. So, I was like… so, I watched it, and I was like, “Damn, I could do that.” And, you know, like, ’cause I just knew it, like, I knew I could do it. So, I was like, “Let’s do this.”
And, you know, I had a few supportive gay friends at the time, and they walked me through, like, what to get. And you know, I actually turned to my mom. And my mom was like… she was a little bit unsure about doing drag with me. So, I was like, “Come on, let’s do the show.” So, I brought her to a show with me. And I embarrassed the hell out of her. I paid one of the queens there to do a lap dance on her head. I kid you not.
Cory: [Laughs]
Breanna: It was great. It was great. And, uh, so, she was… she, kind of, understood where I would want to do that, and she helped me. So, I started drag about five years ago in Clarksville, Tennessee. Why did I start doing it? Um, because I knew I could do it. Like, it’s, it’s very… like, the dancing in it is very athletic. I myself am a very athletic person. I played Dance Dance Revolution to work out. Isn’t that the craziest thing?
Cory: [Laughs] That’s awesome.
Breanna: My god. Um, so yeah, and I was just like… and it just looked fun. Like, I love interacting with people, I love theater, I love all of that. So, I’m gonna do all that. [Laughs] And it’s just a different way to express it. I felt like I connected to that art form very well. So, that’s why I chose to do it.
Cory: Okay.
Breanna: Not like a big pageant answer, but…
Cory: [Laughs] Um, going off of your mom, um, how did your family, friends, and other loved ones receive you becoming a drag artist?
Breanna: Oooh, oh, we’re getting a little deep here. Well, okay, it’s kind of funny. So, you know, like, my mom…. uh, I came out to my mom as gay first. So, she was very onboard with everything. She’s supported me 100% of my life, like… so, yes, she was, boom, on board. Um, so my family, [laughing] my fam– um, not my dad’s side, my dad’s side, I don’t really know about my dad’s side, honestly, but my mom’s side of the family, like, I started posting, like, “Ooh, I’m doing drag now, like, look at me,” posting all that on Facebook. And, and then I was like… and, uh, so I posted all that and, you know, my mom would talk to my aunt or my uncle and they’d be like, “Um, yeah, I don’t know, kind of unsure about that. It’s not my thing.” Um, they weren’t, like, totally, like, disown– like rude about it. So, I’m thankful for that.
Um, trying to think. But, um, I actually told my dad I did drag about two… um, no, about like, a year and a half ago, I told hi– I actually came out and told him I did drag in the same day. So, two, two for the price of one.
Cory: [Laughs]
Breanna: He really got a lot of information that day. [Laughs] So, I told him about that. And he was like, “Okay, you know, as long as you’re making money with it,” and I was like, “Oh, yeah, about money.” [Laughs] So, um, so yeah, I told him about that. And I was just like, “Okay.” Yeah, he was… he was okay with it. But, um, I don’t really know if my dad’s side of the family knows too much about me, in general, so…
Cory: All right. Okay. Next is where does your drag name come from?
Breanna: Oh, okay. So, Breanna, Breanna Burns? Okay. Um, Breanna, I was… so, Breanna is like a twist on my boy name, like, Brian. It’s almost like the girl name for Brian, if that makes sense.
Cory: Yeah.
Breanna: Um, so I was like, “Oh, Breanna,” and I was like… I was like, “Let’s think of a catchy last name,” because I want something, when you say it, like, rolls off your tongue, something that sticks in your mind. So, um, you know, like, my current boyfriend at the time was like… um, he’s like, “Oh, you should do something, like, French or something…” I’m like, “No, I don’t want to sound basic. Come on now.” So, [laughing] Lacroix or something, I don’t know. So, I was like, so I was like, “Okay, well, um, Burns. Let’s do it. Breanna Burns.” And it just, like, it clicks so well to me.
Cory: It flows.
Breanna: Yes. I love that.
Cory: All right, so this one’s a long one, so, bear with me.
Breanna: Oh, my gosh. Okay.
Cory: Okay, so it says, there are a lot of terms for types and styles of drag from drag queen and drag king to glamor queen, male impersonator, comedy queen, bearded queen, queer artist, bioqueen, camp queen and among others. Are there particular labels you would use to characterize your drag? And what kind of drag do you do? And what is your style of drag?
Breanna: Okay. So, to answer that yeah, I mean, yes, I do believe there are labels in, um, the drag community, like, as drag queen, drag king, um, you know, femme queen/bioqueens, you know what I mean? Um, you know, and that’s just to, kind of, tell you what kind of character we are, kind of thing. But, um, if I were to identify my drag, and this, kind of, supports my answer from before, it was like, you know, like, someone… one queen can be multiple different types of categories. Because you have like your horror queen, like you said, camp queen, comedy queen. You know, like you… that’s what’s the beauty about drag is you don’t have to just stay in one lane. Drag is your art. So, like, one night, like, I’ll do a camp queen number, the next I’ll be a little bit funny, or, you know, then next number I’ll, uh, dance the house down.
Cory: [Laughs]
Breanna: Like, yeah, that’s my answer on that. Like, if I wanted to be, um… like, if one night, I wanted to go out in boy drag, say Breanna Burns kind of, like, did like a more drag king look, um, you know, I could do that too. Like, drag is that valid. Drag is– drag goes in a big circle.
Cory: Mm-hmm.
Breanna: Anyway, did that answer…?
Cory: Yeah, that was good. That was very good.
Breanna: Thank you.
Cory: Okay, um, who or what has influenced your drag?
Breanna: Who or what has influenced my drag? Oh, you know what, um, so, um, two things, actually is… actually, three things, because I got to, you know, include my favorite celebrity in that. First, I’m going to say local queens, because local queens taught me how the actual show is ran. Local queens have, you know, like, taught me how to behave in the back– in backstage or learn how to talk to people, like, in the audience or even go on the mic. Like, that’s what local queens have taught me. RuPaul’s Drag Race has… okay, number two, RuPaul’s Drag Race has very much motivated, uh, motivated me as well. It’s kind of what made me jump into this, um, hobby. Like, you know, I’m just like… I was watching RuPaul’s Drag Race Season 5 with my ex, and, you know, I was just watching it, and I was like, “Oh, my god, that looks like so much fun. I want to do that one day.” And, you know, I’m trying to do that, living my best life right now. So, we got… that’s number two. And number three is Lady Gaga. Yes.
Cory: Lady Gaga.
Breanna: Yes, Lady Gaga. Like, if you ever go to one of my shows, like, my outfits very much, like, represent her. Like, um, I have been introduced once or twice as, like, the Lady Gaga of drag [laughs].
Cory: [Laughs]
Breanna: But, um, oh, yeah, oh, yeah, it’s… have you ever been to one of my shows?
Cory: I have not. I have never been to a show in my life actually.
Breanna: Oh, you gotta come on over.
Cory: [Laughs] Well, banking off that, um, the next question is, can you talk about your life as a drag artist? And one of the points is how often do you perform, and where do you perform?
Breanna: Okay. So, I try to perform at least once or twice a month, you know? Um, what is my life as a drag artist? Is preparing for the next show, pretty much. Um, you know, you got work, obviously, but outside of that time to work, like, outside of that time of work. I have to, um… trying to think. You know, like, I listen to music, or I’m out with friends, or I hear a certain song, and I’m like, “Oh my gosh, like, I think that song would vibe really well with, with an audience.” And I’ll ask that song, get the song. And I’ll sit there, learn the words to the song. And then I will literally try to think of a whole mechanic around that song. Like, I’m very, um… when I perform, I want to make every song, like, um… I want to make every song, kind of, stick in your head. And, like, I do… I don’t do my, uh… oh my gosh, how do I explain that? Sorry, it’s, it’s hard to explain.
Cory: No, you’re good. You’re good.
Breanna: [Laughs] You know, yeah, that’s… it’s pretty much just preparing for the next outfit, the next show, you know, just… it’s very… it’s piecing it together, it’s like a puzzle. So, yeah, I think… I think that’s pretty much what I have for that answer. [Laughs]
Cory: Okay. Uh, what are the biggest challenges to doing drag and being a drag artist?
Breanna: Oh, the different challenges? Uh, well, since we’re in COVID-19 right now, you know, bars are doing, like, less shows, and so it’s a little bit tougher to get booked at the moment. Um, time constraints, I’m… okay, so, I’m used to, uh… I’m used to starting the show around 10 or 11 at night, which, now since the shows or the… some of the regulations are starting to be lifted, some of the shows are going back to that time. But, um, yeah, like, right now, during the COVID, it’s hard… it’s hard to manage time more, because the shows do start earlier right now.
Cory: Okay.
Breanna: Um, what else do I struggle with, or what is challenging? Um, oh my gosh, learning new songs sometimes is very challenging, trying to fit stuff in your schedule between work and when you’re off work. Trying to think what else. So, what is… okay, the question was what is challenging?
Cory: What are the biggest challenges to doing drag and being a drag artist?
Breanna: Okay, and being a drag artist, okay. Let me touch on that. Um, being a drag artist is trying to figure out stuff that hasn’t been done. And I mean, you know, a lot of stuff has been done as it is. Um, but just trying to think of what your next gag is going to be as your next show. That’s, that’s, that’s a very challeng– that’s very challenging as an artist.
Cory: Okay. Um, how do you identify in terms of your sex, gender identity and gender expression out of drag? What pronouns do you use in and out of drag?
Breanna: Okay, so I am, uh, he/him, and in drag, I actually… I prefer to be called she/her. But you know, if you know me, personally, you came up to me like, “Brian,” I’d be like, “Hey, Breanna right now.” [Laughs] Um, I do, um, chan– I do definitely change genders when I am in drag. What are my views on it, you said?
Cory: Uh, yeah, you can hit on that.
Breanna: I mean, not my views, like, um, you know, anybody is free to be who they want. That’s why we’re in America. And you know, this world is everybody’s, so it’s not just… this world isn’t just one political party or one democrac– or culture, you know? You know, people can be who the hell they want to be. Like, if they…
Cory: So, would you say that drag has influenced how you view gender?
Breanna: Um, yes, I… yes, I would have to say that. Um, it’s also taught me how to be more accepting about different types of people. You know, I’ve had a lot of people… Okay, no, just go back to gender.
Cory: You’re good.
Breanna: [Laughs] But, um… okay, I’m sorry. It’s hard. Um, because this is a very sensitive subject, but, uh, I’m trying to think. It’s… you know, it has taught me to be more accepting of, like, others’ genders, for sure. You know, at first, I’ve… like before I came out as gay and before, like, when I was a tennis player, you know, I wouldn’t understand why someone would want to refer their pronouns as they/them. But, um, when I got in drag, you know, I learned that people, you know… because that’s the biggest one, I feel like that people have a speed bump to get over. And, you know, and it ta– and it took me, you know, someone that went by those pronouns to teach me why they feel that wa– you know, why they prefer to be called those pronouns. It was like, yes. Uh, you know, I understood and I definitely was a lot more accepting with that, and, yeah. [Laughs]
Cory: Okay.
Breanna: For sure.
Cory: Okay. So, um, has drag impacted your confidence as a person when you are out of drag, and if so, how?
Breanna: Oh, yes. So, when you’re out of drag, you know, when you’re out of drag with your hair just hanging down over your shoulders… I mean, my hair’s not that long, but… [Laughs]
Cory: [Laughs]
Breanna: Uh, you know, when it’s… when you don’t have the attention that you… that you get from, um, like, the audience… because when you’re in drag, like, it doesn’t matter, like the audience loves you because, because, you know, like, if, especially if you put a lot of hard work and dedication into your craft, the audience sees that and they love that. So, when you’re not… when you’re just in boy, you’re just working your job, and you’re just, like, wearing cargo shorts and a t-shirt, like, you know, you’re not… not everyone’s gonna be like, Oh my god, you know, you’re not going to get that total attention that you desire. And it’s, it’s hard being, like, a single… it can be hard being, like, a single person, because it’s like, you want that attention and you feel like that if you have a boyfriend or a girlfriend, um, that, you know, that they can give all that attention to you, so… that you want. And that can make it, kind of, hard. So, yeah, I think that can struggle with your confidence a little bit.
Cory: All right. This next one might get a little deep, so…
Breanna: Ooh, okay,
Cory: Okay. So, if you could go back in time as Breanna Burns, what advice would you give to your younger self?
Breanna: Oh, I love this. It’s like the baby question on drag race.
Cory: [Laughs]
Breanna: Um, what advice would I give to my, my baby self? Um, don’t change anything. Um, I wouldn’t… I wouldn’t really tell her anything to change differently because, you know, I felt like… I feel like, as a drag queen, like, you’re meant to go through different, different phases, I almost feel like. And it’s very humbling, like, the process of becoming who I am today, you know? Um, it’s taught me to… who to take advice from, you know, take advice, you know, people are gonna say that, um, they… you didn’t take the advice well, but you very much well did and that perfected your… that’s gonna perfect your craft, baby. That’s… and that’s going to make you bigger, and you’re gonna find out who your real friends are. Like, you’re gonna meet some amazing people along the way, like, stick with them, you know, the older queens are the best [laughs]. The older queens give the best advice and are by far the most intellectual. Um, always be supportive to your trans woman ’cause they on an amazing journey themselves. Uh, and you’re going to be there for… through a lot of people’s journeys along the way, ’cause… and it’s going to be… it’s just going to be amazing. So, okay, that’s all I had to say to that bitch.
Cory: [Laughs]
Breanna: [Laughs]
Cory: All right, so this is another long one.
Breanna: Okay.
Cory: All right. So, I’m curious if and how your social identities have impacted your experience of drag or vice versa, how drag has impacted your identities. Can you share about how one or more of your social identities such as gender, race, class, age, geography, religion, size, sexuality, disability etc., and/or the interaction of these social identities have impacted your experience of drag and/or how drag has impacted your experience of this social identity?
Breanna: Okay, my mind is, kind of, blown with this, um, this question., So, when you mean identity, like, who I identify at the ti– as at the time?
Cory: So, meaning, like, the social identities that either you possess, including your gender, race, class, age, geography, religion, size, sexuality, disability, etc., and/or the other… like, that other people around you, how have those impacted your experience as a drag artist or has… how have those experien– or, um, impacted your social identity?
Breanna: Okay. Oh, it is a hard question for me. I’m very sorry.
Cory: No, you’re okay.
Breanna: Um, ’cause I’m just trying to figure out where to even start here. Um, when you… Okay, trying to think. ‘Cause for some reason I’m thinking very much of, like, cultures right now. And I don’t even know if that’s, like, the right way to even answer this question.
Cory: Yeah.
Breanna: I’m gonna just, kind of, like, throw it out there. But, you know, like, I think people when they, like… yeah, I don’t know, I’m just… oh, this one’s a hard one for me.
Cory: Alright, we can skip. It’s no big…
Breanna: Okay. I’m sorry.
Cory: Okay. No, that is perfectly fine. All right, so those beginning ones were talking about your personal story, and then these final ones are going to talk about your personal ideas about drag.
Breanna: Okay.
Cory: Okay. So, this one is how do you define drag?
Breanna: How do I define drag?
Cory: Yes.
Breanna: Um, you can, uh, be who you want to be when you want to be. That’s how I define drag right there.
Cory: Okay. Okay, what do you think is the purpose of drag?
Breanna: Purpose of drag is to take your regular ideal-type person and, uh, to completely change that, that person into a character.
Cory: Alright. Okay. Do you think drag is sexual? Why or why not?
Breanna: Ooh, um, I mean, if that’s your character, um, that’s… that, you know… like, I think it depends on your character, for sure. If you have a more sexually deviated character, then be sexual. Like… but, you know, like, I personally like to be a little bit more classy at times. You know, I can be a little bit fun, I can be a little party girl at the moment, but hey… [Laughing] I do prefer a little bit more classy.
Cory: Okay. How do you feel about RuPaul’s Drag Race?
Breanna: Oh, um, I love RuPaul’s Drag Race. I’m very happy that, um… I’m very happy that the show is giving people a chance to make this into a career. Um, you know, like, people like me, hi, um…
Cory: [Laughs]
Breanna: Hi RuPaul [laughing]. But, um, you know, a lot of… you know, it’s giv– it’s giving people a chance to be a star, and that is what we need in this community.
Cory: Okay, um, if you could change one thing about drag, the drag scene, or the drag community, what would it be?
Breanna: Ooh, the one thing I think would change? Um, oh my gosh, where do I start? [Laughs] Oh, um, the one thing that would change. Okay, I’m gonna get a little bit rude with this. But you don’t have to be a bitch to be a drag queen. There. That’s one thing I would change.
Cory: All right. What do you think are misconceptions people have about drag?
Breanna: Um, that they’re strippers. I hate that, oh, my god. And that… there’s a difference between burlesque and stripping. So, um, yeah, that’s… uh, that’s a big, like, misconception. Like, no, we don’t take our clothes off. I mean, we might take off a nice cape and call that a reveal, but that’s not stripping baby. [Laughs] Um, yeah, that’s a big one. Uh, I don’t think people realize, like, how hard it is to get up in front of a light and still dance your heart out while taking tips and while interacting with the audience [laughing]. I don’t think people understand how that… how hard that is. So, um, yeah, I just… I just don’t think people realize, like, how much dedication this… goes into this.
Cory: Do you think anything could be done to help change these misconceptions?
Breanna: Um, if people will go to a damn drag show.
Cory: [Laughs]
Breanna: Just saying. Usually people that say this, I always… I always follow up with the question, “Have you ever been to a drag show?” “Well, no.” “Okay, you need to take your ass to one and live your life a little bit, hello.”
Cory: [Laughs]
Breanna: “Oh, you say you can’t go out without your kids? Oh, there’s kids’ drag shows. Oh, you want to go out with your girls? Oh, bar’s right down the street, so pretty sure they’re having a drag show.” Like, [laughing] it’s… yeah, go ahead. Anyway. [Laughs]
Cory: Alright, our final question is if you chose one thing you want people to know about and learn about drag what would it be?
Breanna: Know about and learn about? Um, that, uh, people just have different types of drags, and, um, you shouldn’t, uh… people… you shouldn’t have to sit there and just support your friend when you go to a show. You should be able to expand, expand your, your small mind into other people’s drags. Um, trying to think. And what should they know about? I mean, I, kind of, like, tipped off what they… uh, I’m trying to think. They should just know how much effort it takes to get from, uh, one gender to another. I mean, not just gender but character to another. And I don’t think people understand the amount of makeup it takes, the amount of… okay, I cinch myself with duct tape, so, for me, the kind of duct tape I use. [Laughs] Um, yeah, it just… like, what it takes to make that full illusion.
Cory: All right. Well, I just want to say thank you for taking your time out of your day and helping me with this. You did an amazing job, and I’m so happy that you decided to help me with this.Breanna: Oh, that’s not a problem. I was like, “Ooh, an interview.” I was like, “Let me step into this a little bit. Hello.” [Laughing] Oh, I…