Informed Consent Form (Focus Groups)

How Jewish social justice activists navigate contemporary left antisemitism and antizionism

Ezra Temko, SIUE Department of Sociology

Acknowledgment of Informed Consent, including Audiovisual Recording

I am inviting you to participate in a study on how Jewish social justice activists navigate contemporary left antisemitism and antizionism (IRB #2592). The purpose of this study is to learn about Jewish social justice activists experiences with and navigation of contemporary left antisemitism and antizionism. Your participation in this study will involve a focus group of approximately 90 minutes. A focus group is a facilitated small group conversation. At the end of the focus group I will also ask you to complete a form with demographic information.

The risks to you are minimal. Given the topic, the questions and conversation may involve topics you find emotional or unsettling. You will not be identified by name in any presentations or written products from this conversation. Participation in this study is likely to have no direct benefits beyond the benefits of discussing this issue with peers. You will be compensated with a $20 virtual gift card for participation in this study. Your participation may benefit others by contributing to society’s understandings of what Jewish social justice activists experience and how contemporary antisemitism is navigated.

You can choose not to participate.  If you decide not to participate, there will not be a penalty to you or loss of any benefits to which you are otherwise entitled. You may withdraw from this study at any time.

The focus group will be audiotaped, videotaped, and digitally recorded as part of your participation in this research study. By consenting to participate in this study, you are agreeing to allow me to record the focus group. The recording will allow me to focus on the focus group conversation and ensure my records are accurate. If you indicate your agreement below, audio recording snippets may be used in presentations. You may participate in this study whether or not you agree to the use of audio for presentation. Regardless, the recordings will be kept digitally in a password protected place and otherwise will be viewed and/or listened to only myself or approved research assistants who are helping transcribe, to the extent allowed by law. The recording will be used to transcribe the interview. Pseudonyms will be used in any notes or transcriptions of the recording. Other identifying information may be altered or omitted to ensure confidentiality.

If you have questions about this research study, you can call me (Ezra Temko, Associate Professor of Sociology, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville) at 618-638-0101 or e-mail me at If you have questions about your rights as a research participant, you can call the SIUE Institutional Review Board at 618-650-3010 or email at

Please circle yes or no below to indicate whether or not you consent to audio clips of you speaking being used in presentations.

Yes            No

Please sign and date below to acknowledge you have read and understood this consent form and give your permission for the uses indicated above.

Participant Signature____________________________         Date_______________________

Principal Investigator Signature____________________________   Date_________________