
Lorilie is a versatile drag queen located in Columbia Missouri. As the self described “Femme Fatale of the Midwest”, Lorilie gives everything from classic glamour to vintage spooky.




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INTERVIEWER: Okay, what do you think are some misconceptions people have about drag and where do you think they come from?

LORILIE: Like I said you mentioned the sexualizing which I think that is one thing that is often misunderstood.  I think also at least when I first started doing drag and when I first came out as gay, my parents accused me of being trans because they just didn’t understand the idea of being gay, they assumed it meant I was also trying to transition to be a woman which I am not.  I think people assume the same thing with drag like if you do drag you want to transition to be a woman, which is not true for everyone.  There are trans women who do drag and present themselves as drag queens and then there are trans men who do the same thing as drag kings.  But I think all of it just comes from ignorance and not knowing and not trying to learn more about it like the people who try to learn more about the different kinds of drag and the various people that do drag I think that they’ll understand eventually that like there is so much more that goes into drag than just putting on clothes of the opposite gender.

INTERVIEWER: Is there anything that you think would help change those misconceptions people have?LORILIE: I don’t know, like I said RuPaul’s drag race has become a really big thing and people obviously see all the time that there is like men who get on the show and they are drag queens. There have been a couple contestants that later came out as trans women and then this current season there is a trans man who does drag as a drag queen and I think that if there was more diversity shown through these mainstream platforms I think that would help a lot to broaden people’s eyes to the various different types of drag.

Interview with Lorille

To cite this particular interview, please use the following:
Temko, Ezra. 2021. Student Interview with Lorilie The Art of Drag, SIUE, March 29. Available URL (https://ezratemko.com/drag/lorilie).

Interviewer: Okay. So, I’ll start off with when did you first hear about drag, and what was your initial reaction to it?

Lorilie: When did I first hear about it?

Interviewer: Yep.

Lorilie: I first heard about it when I was, like… I don’t know, maybe like, we’ll say 16

Interviewer: Mm-hmm.

Lorilie: I saw RuPaul’s Drag Race for the first time on, like, TV. And I didn’t really know, like, what it was at first. I just, like, heard of RuPaul here and there before, and I didn’t really know what it was. I just, like, watched the show, and I found out what it was through it. And it was… it just seemed like a lot of fun, and it seemed really exciting.

Interviewer: Okay. When did you start performing as a drag artist? And what do you think made you start performing?

Lorilie: I first started performing two-ish years ago. Actually, no, it’d be three by now, yeah, three years ago by now. And what was the second part of the question?

Interviewer: Why did you start performing?

Lorilie: Oh, okay. I did drag… like, I just practiced it a year before I even started performing just because I wanted to, like, try it out and see how I was… how I was at it. And then, like, a year… around a year later, I got the opportunity to perform. And I just wanted to, like, perform because I just felt like it was like the next step.

Interviewer: Right.

Lorilie: There’s like a lot… there’s like a lot of drag queens who just, like… they’re just, like, online entities, but there is also, like… I feel like a majority of drag queens, like, are performers as well.

Interviewer: Mm-hmm.

Lorilie: So, I just wanted to make that next step and become a performer.

Interviewer: Okay. How did your family, friends, and other loved ones receive you becoming a drag artist?

Lorilie: My family actually doesn’t know that I do drag. Coming out to them was, like, really, really difficult because they were, like… they’re really conservative and religious.

Interviewer: Right.

Lorilie: So, I haven’t really told them. And I feel like I, I would at some point in my life, but I don’t know, I feel like it would have to, like… I don’t know. It’d have to… like, the circumstances would have to just be, like, perfect. And I don’t know whenever that would happen, so…

Interviewer: Yeah.

Lorilie: Um, friends have mostly… like, my… I have always had, like, a small circle of close friends, and they’ve always been really supportive, so…

Interviewer: Yeah.

Lorilie: And at least, like, through drag, like, I’ve been able to build a new support system because I’ve… it’s really helped, like, filtering out the people that I can, like, trust or can’t trust.

Interviewer: Yeah, absolutely. Um, okay, so where does your drag name come from?

Lorilie: Lori– so, when I first started drag, I wanted a name, ’cause I wanted… I… the aesthetic I was going for… sorry, I’m like… I’ll probably jump back and forth. Okay?

Interviewer: No, it’s totally perfect. Like, whatever you want to talk about is perfectly fine.

Lorilie: Okay. The aesthetic I wanted to go for was, kind of, like, a little dark and, like, spooky but also, like… I wanted, like, an old, vintage, kind of, sounding name, like, a name that’s not really used much anymore.

Interviewer: Yeah.

Lorilie: And plus, there was, like, a… there was like… I’m a Pokémon nerd, so there was a Pokémon character I really liked with that name.

Interviewer: Oh, I love that.

Lorilie: But I could never spell it right or correctly…

Interviewer: Mm-hmm.

Lorilie: Um, so I spelled it the way I do. And it gets pronounced as, like, “Loralee” a lot which is not… like, at this point, I don’t care, like, I, kind of, um, brought that on myself, so [unclear].

Interviewer: [Laughs] Okay. Um, this one is, sort of, a long one. There are lots of terms for types and styles of drag from drag queen to glamor queen to comedy queen to queer artist and camp queen, among others. Are there any particular labels you would use to categorize your drag? And what kind of drag do you do/what’s your style?

Lorilie: Not really. Like, I just describe myself as, like, a drag queen. Like, I pride myself on being able to do, like, various different types of drag. Like, I can be campy, I can be glamorous or pretty or, like, um, you know, like spooky, whatever, like…

Interviewer: Yeah.

Lorilie: I can…I can do, like, various different things. I know there’s a lot of drag queens who describe themselves as, like, female impersonators as opposed to, like, drag queens.

Interviewer: Mm-hmm.

Lorilie: I think people like that might take drag more seriously.

Interviewer: Right.

Lorilie: Even though, like, I take my drag seriously, it’s, uh… I don’t really consider myself a female impersonator; I just consider myself, like, a drag queen. Like, I’m a performer, and I’ll use, I want to say, like, with… like, these days there’s so many different types of people who do so many different types of drag. I honestly refer to people as, like, performers or drag artists as opposed to, like…

Interviewer: Yeah.

Lorilie: Drag kings or drag queens or whatever because there’s just so much diversity with drag these days.

Interviewer: Yeah. It is so broad.

Lorilie: Mm-hmm.

Interviewer: The next question was, does the type of that drag you do affect your life as a drag artist? But you, kind of, said you’re pretty versatile. So, you can still answer that, if there is an an—like, answer.

Lorilie: Yeah. Like, when I… I, I have definitely gone through, like, an evolution of drag style. Like, when I first started, I said I wanted to be strictly, like, dark and spooky, but also very glamorous.

Interviewer: Uh-huh.

Lorilie: And I have since, like, evolved past that, like, I don’t like putting myself in a box. I think it is important as a drag artist, at least if you want to become, like, a well-renowned drag artist, which I am still working on, obviously, I think it’s important that you have a certain brand for yourself and have a certain style core to you.

Interviewer: Yeah.

Lorilie: But I… but I do believe that everyone should try to be more diverse and versatile, so try to do more things and just be like [unclear] I want to do various different things.

Interviewer: Okay. Who or what has influenced your drag?

Lorilie: A lot of different… a lot of people I know, like, get inspired by different fashion designers or actresses or singers. I’ve really only ever been inspired by, like, other drag performers because I look at them and see what I want to see in myself.

Interviewer: Oh, yeah.

Lorilie: Like, when I first started, I was inspired by Pearl, who was on Season 7 of Drag Race.

Interviewer: Mm-hmm.

Lorilie: I was also inspired by Vander Von Odd, who has not been on Drag Race, but they won the first season of, like, the Boulet Brothers’ Dragula, which is like the… if you don’t know, is like a more alternative show…

Interviewer: Yeah.

Lorilie: For like… like, spookier, like, alternative styles of drag.

Interviewer: Mm-hmm.

Lorilie: I really, like, gravitated towards her at first because like, like I said, she did a lot of spookier stuff, but she was also very glamorous. Um, but I’m inspired by so many different people, like Naomi Smalls inspires me a lot, Laila McQueen, like, all these people have been on Drag Race. And there’s people who haven’t been on Drag Race that inspire me as well, but… And, like, a lot of of local drag queens throughout Missouri that I have seen or met…

Interviewer: Yeah.

Lorilie: They inspire me as well. So, I just take a lot of inspiration from different drag artists.

Interviewer: Okay.

Lorilie: Yes.

Interviewer: Do you consider your drag political, and why or why not?

Lorilie: I do not consider my drag political. I, I was never really very into politics…

Interviewer: Mm-hmm.

Lorilie: Until I could… I was able to vote.

Interviewer: Yeah.

Lorilie: And the first time I was able to vote was when, like, Trump and Hilary were both going for president.

Interviewer: Mm.

Lorilie: After Trump won, I became a lot more political because I wasn’t a fan of the political climate that he created. My drag does not translate over to that. I purely keep my drag for my purposes only, which is just to, like, express my art and express myself through, like, makeup and performance and costuming and all that, so…

Interviewer: Right, okay. So, are you a part of a drag family/house/collective?

Lorilie: I am. When I first started, I was probably by myself for, like, a year without a drag family, and I was perfectly fine…

Interviewer: Mm-hmm.

Lorilie: Not being a part of that. But I will say, like, I was… after I was, and after, like, I’ve… after I got to know them and everything, I will say, like, it is a lot more fun to be a part of a drag house or a family…

Interviewer: Mm-hmm.

Lorilie: Just because like you are around more, like… and I don’t think all drag families are, like, as close as we are. Like, we are all very close. I live with, like, my drag mother…

Interviewer: Yeah.

Lorilie: Who is like… she’s not like a mother figure to me, like, she is literally just like one of my best friends.

Interviewer: Mm-hmm.

Lorilie: And then I have two other drag family members who live together. So, like, we are all super close. We all like… we hang out all the time, like, we, we have a good time together. But it is just like a great support system to be around, like, queer like-minded people, who share the same interests as you.

Interviewer: Yeah, I bet. Okay, so how often do you perform, and where do you usually perform?

Lorilie: I used to perform… back, like, before COVID, I performed for… at Yin Yang Nightclub mostly in Columbia. It is since… it shut down about a year ago. So, since then, it’s been harder or more hard to be able to perform. I don’t really perform as much. I probably performed like a few times a month back before COVID, but now I maybe do… like, maybe perform maybe, like, once a month…

Interviewer: Okay.

Lorilie: Sometimes. So, drag has definitely, like, been put on the backburner for me this past year. Like, we do perform… like, me and my drag family, we, we do shows a couple times a month at Eastside Tavern here in Columbia.

Interviewer: Mm-hmm.

Lorilie: It’s just, like, a little… it’s, like, a pop-up show that we do just to be able to still get out and perform. I try to take bookings, like, wherever. I have performed in St. Louis a couple of times within the past few months. I’ve performed in Kansas City, uh, just Friday. That was my first time performing there. That was a lot of fun.

Interviewer: Oh, that’s really cool. [Laughs]

Lorilie: Yeah. I used to perform in Springfield a lot.

Interviewer: Uh-huh.

Lorilie: Not so much anymore just because, like, it is so far away.

Interviewer: Right.

Lorilie: But, yeah, just, just here and there.

Interviewer: Okay. What goes into getting ready for a performance for you?

Lorilie: For me… I think everyone is different.

Interviewer: Yeah.

Lorilie: I am very anal about my performances. I love, like… I’m very, like… I’m a very physical performer, like, I love to dance and use various dance moves and all of that.

Interviewer: Mm-hmm.

Lorilie: But I will literally, like… and it’s a great way to exercise, like, I’ll literally, like, clear out my living room and just practice, like, routines for stuff and just [unclear].

Interviewer: Mm-hmm.

Lorilie: And it’s a great way to, like… to get exercise, but it also just helps me, like, figure out what I want to do at each part of a song. And I also, just, like… I’m really anal about that stuff. Like, I just… I’ll plan out, like, everything about what I’ll be wearing, or what my makeup will look like, or what kind of wig I’ll be wearing. Just, I plan out all of it to a detail or to a T.

Interviewer: Okay. What are the biggest challenges to doing drag and being a drag artist?

Lorilie: The biggest challenges, um… I think one of the biggest things I struggle with is, like, drag today, like, with Drag Race and all of these drag queens, who even aren’t on Drag Race, like, they become famous through Instagram, is, like, there’s a constant feel for, like, you have to be… being a drag queen is a way to get famous now. I think that’s, like, a big problem with it.

Interviewer: Mm.

Lorilie: Um, like, when I first started doing drag, I won’t lie, like, when I… I wanted to be on Drag Race, but, like, since then, I’ve gotten to where I just love doing drag, and I don’t… I mean, getting on Drag Race eventually would be really cool, but if I don’t get on, like, I will be okay with that. But there is always that feeling of, like, people might be seen as better than you because they have more followers than you do or they get more likes than you do.

Interviewer: Oh.

Lorilie: And I think… yeah. And I think my problem is, just, like, I need to focus on myself and pushing myself, as opposed to just, like, focusing on other people.

Interviewer: Right. Yeah, that is tough. Is there anything unique to the drag scene where you live compared to other places in the country or world?

Lorilie: I don’t think there’s anything relatively unique about drag in Columbia. I know drag in Columbia has been going on for a very long time, and there is a lot of history that, like, I don’t know about. But I think there is one thing that, like, is kind of cool is like, we’re, kind of, in the middle of Missouri, so we have a lot of different styles of drag.

Interviewer: Mm-hmm.

Lorilie: There’s not a lot of… I will say there is not a lot of good drag in Columbia…

Interviewer: [Laughs]

Lorilie: But we have, like, a lot of different styles. Like, Kansas City is more, like, performance based, St. Louis was… [unclear] the younger generation, it’s more about the looks. And then St. Louis… did I say St. Louis already?

Interviewer: Um, I’m not sure. [Laughs]

Lorilie: Okay. I meant Springfield is about looks. Kansas City is about performance. St. Louis is a lot of, like… there’s a lot of, like, pageants, drag pageants that happen there, that they are more focused on, like, establishment and polish and stuff like that.

Interviewer: Okay.

Lorilie: Whereas Columbia has, like, a nice melting pot of various different styles. So, I think that’s kind of cool.

Interviewer: Okay. What has the COVID-19 pandemic meant for your life as a drag artist?

Lorilie: Just kind of, like, what I’ve said before. Like, our, our bar got shut down. It was really hard for us as a community.

Interviewer: Yeah.

Lorilie: And it’s made it really hard to perform. Like, I used to, like… I used to be, like… drag was like the main thing I did. Like, it was my hobby. It was my, like, therapy almost. So, I’ve gotten to where, like, it’s really difficult to, uh… It was my hobby. It was like my main… like, not my main source of income, like, I have a, a job that I do full time. But it was just like an extra way of, like, getting money.

Interviewer: Mm-hmm.

Lorilie: [Unclear] honestly, pretty much it. Like, just the bar was shut down; it became really difficult to, like, perform.

Interviewer: Yeah.

Lorilie: Yeah, that’s pretty much it, honestly. Sorry, that was, like, such a scattered answer.

Interviewer: [Laughs] No, that’s okay. Okay, so next is, kind of, like, the sex and gender identity and gender expression category. So, how do you identify in terms of your sex, gender identity, and gender expression out of drag?

Lorilie: I identify myself, like, pretty much as a cisgendered male, like, as a gay man. I will say that I do think that gender is becoming… at least when you do drag and, like, the gender lines are more blurred, I think that gender is becoming more of, like, a construct, kind of thing.

Interviewer: Mm-hmm.

Lorilie: So, every now and then, like, I’ll… I do, kind of, identify myself along, like… in the gender fluid spectrum.

Interviewer: Mm-hmm.

Lorilie: But, I mean, that’s really it. I mean, I am honestly, like… I don’t care what pronouns I’m used with, like, I don’t care about, like, what gender I’m used with. I, I really don’t care. Like, I’m honestly really, like, loosey goosey with it, honestly.

Interviewer: Okay. The next question was actually, what pronouns do you use in drag and out of drag?

Lorilie: In drag, I prefer the she/her pronouns because I’m, like, female-presenting than, like… I’m not, like, you know, presenting as a woman or qualify myself as a woman, but I’m presenting effeminately.

Interviewer: Yeah.

Lorilie: So, I prefer those pronouns. Out of drag, I honestly don’t care. I present myself as a male, so I get he/him. I will get they/them. Um, and then, like, my drag family, like, we all refer to each other as she/he, or she her. And then we all, like, honestly use our drag names out of drag a lot.

Interviewer: Mm-hmm.

Lorilie: So, I get called all different kinds of pronouns, and I honestly don’t mind.

Interviewer: Okay. Has drag influenced your sex and gender identities and how?

Lorilie: My… how it’s influenced what?

Interviewer: Oh, your gender identity.

Lorilie: Oh yeah, that’s just, kind of, like, along the lines I said about, like, the…

Interviewer: Yeah.

Lorilie: Gender fluid thing. Me and a couple… a couple of, like, my drag friends and my folks, like, I think, we, kind of, are on the same page of, like, when the gender lines become blurred from drag, our, um… we might consider ourselves, like, more gender fluid. I [unclear] consider myself, like, a man, but I also, like, consider myself gender fluid to an extent. So, I mean yeah.

Interviewer: Yeah. Okay. Has… how has drag impacted or changed you?

Lorilie: Drag has, honestly, like, been really beneficial for my self-esteem. I grew up, like, heavier and got… I was from a really small town, so I got bullied a lot, only had, like, a couple friends. So, I was, honestly, like, really, really shy throughout most of my life. So, drag, honestly, has really helped me, like, coming out of my shell. Like, um, it’s helped me become, like, a lot more confident. Like, it keeps me in this mindset of, I need to focus on… now I focus on, like, Lorilie, but I need to take time to focus on Logan, that’s, like, my biological name. So, like, I always make sure I take time out of my day to, like, schedule self-care, whether it’s, like, going on a jog or, like, ordering a pizza for instance. Like, I just always want to make sure that, like, both Lorilie and Logan are taken care of.

Interviewer: Right. Okay. So, has drag impacted your confidence as Logan?

Lorilie: Yeah, it’s made me. um… Lorilie has really helped me to, like, become more confident, um, as Logan. Like, I, I, honestly, like… it’s hard to think of myself, like, how I used to act, like, being so shy and being so soft spoken and, kind of, getting, like, walked over. Like, I’ve… it’s, honestly, really helped me, like, stand up for myself a lot more, which is very nice.

Interviewer: Mm-hmm. Okay. If you could go back in time as Lorilie, what advice would Lorilie give to younger Logan?

Lorilie: I would probably just tell myself to, like… you’re gonna, like… you’re gonna face, like, a lot of hardships, but in the end, like, just stay strong. You’re gonna get through it. Um, and I would also tell him to, like, take the time to take care of yourself and focus on yourself and not focus on other people, because it’s gonna be more beneficial to you in the end.

Interviewer: Yeah. Okay. Um, okay, this says, I’m curious if and how your social identities have impacted your experience of drag, or vice versa how drag has impacted your identities? Can you share about how one or more of your social identities such as gender, race, class, age, geography, religion, size, sexuality, disability, etc., and/or the interaction of the social identities have impacted your experience of drag and/or how drag has impacted your experience of this identity? Sorry, that was a long question.

Lorilie: Um, okay, so, [laughs] I was, I think [overtalking] worry about.

Interviewer: So, basically, any of your other… any of your, like, other social identities such as, like, religion or class or age or size or sexuality, has that interacted with your drag and has either impacted each other?

Lorilie: Not really. Like, I will say drag is like a really expensive hobby.

Interviewer: Mm-hmm.

Lorilie: So, like, if, if you’re not well off or you’re not, like… you don’t have a nice job or whatever, like, whatever the situation might be, it’s probably not the hobby for you. Um, I am fortunate enough that I have a, a decent paying job. I work for a bank, so I have… I have it pretty nice financially. I don’t… I try to be responsible with my money, though, and budget out, like, money here and there for drag. But, um, uh, that’s really it. Like, I mean, I, honestly, like, I’m not really… I’m not religious.

Interviewer: Mm-hmm.

Lorilie: Um, and it really doesn’t affect me, like, much how outside… you know what I mean?

Interviewer: Yeah.

Lorilie: Like, in those co– correlating things.

Interviewer: Okay. So, these last questions, there’s about, like, six of them, and they all center around your ideas about drag. So, the first one is, how do you define drag?

Lorilie: Ooh, that’s a tough one. Um, for me, I can’t define it, like, as a, a general definition.

Interviewer: Mm-hmm.

Lorilie: Um, I can only define it for, like, how I see it. Drag, for me…

Interviewer: Right.

Lorilie: Is just… it is my hobby, it is my passion, it’s a way for me to produce art and stay busy, but also, like, I do that to find happiness. Like, I feel like there’s a better way for me to describe that, but that’s just a rough definition. Um, but yeah…

Interviewer: Okay. What do you think is the purpose of drag? You can answer this, like you said, if you want to just answer it for yourself purpose– or for yourself, that’s fine too.

Lorilie: Yeah. Um, for me, my purpose of doing drag is to, like… kind of, like, what I said before. For me, like, I love to perform. I’ve always, like… I did, like… when I was in college I did, like, acting and stuff. I’ve always loved to, like, perform and be on a stage. Um, uh, even though, like, I’m a… I’m fairly shy still, like, I do… like, getting into drag and performing, it’s such a great way for me to, like, express that part of me. Um, and it’s also just a way for… like, it really helps my self-esteem, it, like, helps me stay busy, helps me express my art. Like, there are so many different reasons that I do drag and different, like, purposes for me to do drag. So, just, like, all of those… all of those things.

Interviewer: Okay. Do you think drag is sexual, and why or why not? And if so, how and in what way?

Lorilie: I do not think drag is sexual. Um, I think there are people who might sexualize their drag, and that is their own thing.

Interviewer: Mm-hmm.

Lorilie: Um, I do not think that those people do that in order to promote having sex in drag. I think that there are various different drag artists who like the idea of having a sexual drag persona, just be– just like, uh, pe– okay, so, like, let’s say, uh, men or women, for instance, they might dress more provocatively, but that does… that does not mean that they’re asking for someone to have sex with them. You know what I mean?

Interviewer: Right.

Lorilie: Like, I think it’s… I think drag is like the same way. I do think that there are people… there… I know there are people who will have sex in drag, but I don’t consider, really, that to be drag. I consider that to be more along, like, the cross-dressing aspect, um, which is like a different kind of… fetish kind of thing.

Interviewer: Mm-hmm.

Lorilie: Um, but I do not believe drag to be sexual.

Interviewer: Okay, how do you feel about RuPaul’s Drag Race?

Lorilie: I guess it’s my favorite show. I watch it all the time. Um, I mean, I don’t watch it all the time but, like, I’ll keep… uh, watch a few episodes, like, whenever I can.

Interviewer: Yeah.

Lorilie: Um. I think it’s really helped make drag a more modern, like, mainstream kind of thing, which I think is great. Um, I do think it has, like, kind of, pushed drag to be more about, like, followers and social media and likes and all that, as opposed to, like, the art form of drag itself. But I also think it’s made it to where drag is like, you should really push your drag and push the limits of it and, like, make it more exceptional. So, I think that’s a… it’s, sort of, like the… a good and a bad thing to that.

Interviewer: Okay. If you could change one thing about drag, the drag scene, or the community what would it be and why?

Lorilie: I think just, kind of, what I just said. Like, I wish drag would be less about, like, followers and likes and all that, and just more about, like, pushing yourself and talent. Like, I think that a lot of people, at least where I live, who, kind of, get, like, um… oh, what is it? They get, like, uplifted for, kind of, doing, like, the bare minimum, when I feel like they’re really not doing as much as they could be doing.

Interviewer: Mm-hmm.

Lorilie: Um, I’m always trying to, like, push myself and make myself better than I was before through drag. Um, so do I wish there was more of that within my drag community.

Interviewer: Okay. What do you think are some misconceptions people have about drag and where do you think they come from?

Lorilie: Um, well, like I said, like… you mentioned, like, the, the sexualizing…

Interviewer: Mm-hmm.

Lorilie: Which I think that is one thing that is often mis– um, misunderstood. Um, I think, also, there is, like… at least, uh, when I first started doing drag, or at least when I came out… when I first came out as gay, my parents accused me of being trans because they just didn’t understand the idea of being gay. They assumed it also meant, like, I was trying to transition to be a woman, which I am not.

Interviewer: Mm-hmm.

Lorilie: I, I think people assume the same thing with drag, like, if you do drag, you want to be… you want to transition to be a woman, which is not true for everyone. Like, there are trans women who do drag and present themselves as, um, drag queens. And then there are trans men who do the same thing as drag kings. But I think all of it just comes from, like, ignorance and not knowing and not trying to learn more about it. Like, the people who try to learn more about the different kinds of drag and what… the various people that do drag, I think that they’ll understand eventually that, like, there is so much more that goes into drag than just putting on clothes of the opposite gender.

Interviewer: Yeah. Is there anything that you think would help change, like, those misconceptions people have?

Lorilie: Um, I don’t know. I think, I… like I said, Drag Race, RuPaul’s Drag Race has become, like, a really big thing and I… people, obviously, like, see all the time that there is, like, men who get on the show, and they are drag queens. There have been a couple contestants who later came out as trans women. Um, and then, this current season, there is, like, a trans man who does drag as a drag queen on the show.

Interviewer: Yeah.

Lorilie: I think if there was more diversity shown through, like, these, um… through, like, these mainstream platforms, I think that would help a lot to broaden people’s eyes to the various different types of drag.

Interviewer: Mm-hmm. Okay. And then, lastly, if you could choose one thing you want people to know or learn about drag what would it be?

Lorilie: Um, not quite for sure… I know… let me think.

Interviewer: Or even if you want to answer it as, like, choose one thing you would want people to know or learn about your drag, what would it be? That would be fine too.

Lorilie: Um, hmm. I’m not quite for sure. I know, like, um, everyone perceives drag differently. I don’t…Um, with my drag, I mean, like… I’ll just… I’ll just answer like this. I know, like… okay, when I first started drag, like I said, I wanted to be spooky. I still get called a spooky drag queen here and there.

Interviewer: Mm-hmm.

Lorilie: I don’t really consider myself to be, like, a spooky drag queen now. And I don’t mind being called that either, I really don’t. But, I do want people to know that, like, I can do… and I think people do… like, a lot of people see that and realize that too. Um, but I do so much more different types of things than what I originally did, or what I… like, I mean, ’cause I’ll still… like, I love to wear black, and I love to do, like, darker makeup. But I… I’ll still do, like, other things here and there because I’m willing and ready to grow with any opportunity that I can. Um, and I think… I really hope more drag performers can learn that or realize that. I guess my, my thing is more like… is more to other drag performers than it is to the regular people.

Interviewer: Mm-hmm.

Lorilie: Um, because I don’t really relate to them as much as I used to anymore. But I think that’s, like, a part of thing with the job, like, once you’re in a certain thing, you might relate to more people who are in that job that you are. So, I, I hope that people who do drag are more willing to become more diverse and, and, um, just willing to grow and improve and change. And I guess people, like, in the same way too, could do that as well. Because, like, the world is ever changing, like, there’s so many different things changing and going on. And some people just can’t keep up. So, I do hope that, like, there… the people that can keep up will work hard to help others keep up. Does that make sense?

Interviewer: No, yeah. Yeah.

Lorilie: Okay. I, kind of, gave, like, multiple different answers for that, but…

Interviewer: No, it’s perfectly fine. Is there anything else you wanted to add to it?

Lorilie: No, I’m gonna… I’m gonna just end it with that ’cause I, I talked about quite a few things for that question.

Interviewer: Okay. [Laughs] Okay. Well, that’s it, unless there’s anything else you’d like to share.

Lorilie: Not really, no.

Interviewer: Okay. Thank you so much.

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